Are you currently looking for work? Unsure of where to start? PCSI is always working with employers who are actively hiring. Follow this link to check out current job opportunities, open interview events, or online job applications.
Feel like you need to brush up on your job readiness skills? Not sure what job readiness skills you have? How is your resume? To answer these questions, navigate over to the PCSI Workforce Development Youtube channel to watch quick but informative videos to keep you sharp in your upcoming interview and job search.
YouTube Channel
Training Opportunities
Looking for more skills to give yourself an edge in your job search? Follow this link to visit the PCSI training page to view current or upcoming training opportunities.
PCSI is actively working with employers in and through the Pittsburgh Area. We host events almost weekly. Check out our Facebook Page or event calendar to keep up to date with the events and training classes happening at your local PCSI office.